Gain the competitive edge
Next Tier Clinic
3-Day Comprehensive Clinic
Join us for expert-led sessions in physical performance enhancement, combined with cutting-edge mental coaching techniques to elevate your athletic potential.
Mon, Tues & Wed
9:00 - 11:30 am
Duration: 2.5 hours
15 min - Intro
1 hour - Speed & Agility
1 hour - Mental training
15 min - Overview
Cost: $150 per athlete
Group Size: 20-25 participants
Each participant receives a custom t-shirt, an in-depth workbook, and a 1-week tailored fitness regimen.
optimize your performance
Setup a group Clinic
Unlock your full potential with elite mental and physical training tailored for dedicated athletes across all sports disciplines.
Contact us if you would like to set a date for your team to work with us.
July 29-31 (M-W)
Ages 11-14 @ 9-11:30 am​
Ages 15-18 @ 1-2:30pm
Group Dates
July 10-12 (W-F)
July 12-14 (F-Sun)
The deadline for registration is July 10th.
This clinic is contingent on the number of participants who sign-up.
Meet the Team
Looking to improve your performance in your sport or game? Our scientifically proven techniques can help you build resilience and take command of the game. Elevate your skills and reach your full potential with our expert guidance.